Articles written by Janet Kurtz


Y2K and 2023

On the last night of a year, I traditionally write down my reflections while others write down resolutions. In my lifetime, the most impressive turning ...
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Saltillo, Mexico

If Not Now, When?

Two years ago, I planned to throw my book a grand coming out party and then, head back to Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, to reunite with ...
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November Traditions

November. My month. November, trying to push October’s startling yellows, reds, and oranges to the ground in gusts of 40 m.p.h. winds from the west. ...
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Celebrating: Día de la Raza

It’s in the air.  Change. The mercury falls to the number 32. The clock reads 6:20 a.m., but light has not returned to the morning ...
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Migration Connects Us

Robert burst into the kitchen, “The monarchs are here! They’re in the prairie on the Blazing Stars!” I put down the zucchini I was shredding ...
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Joyful Fatalism

“What I believe in is ‘joyful fatalism’ – my own term,” Patti told me as we caught up after a 37-year-haitus. In 1985, Patti and ...
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Best Laid Plans (Organ Recital 101)

A Sunday in late June, anticipated since the dark, icy days of January, finally arrived with the blue skies and green grass expected of such ...
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June Wedding – a la mejicana

A thunderstorm roared through this morning, knocking out the electricity, uprooting a dozen trees, and producing excellent mosquito hatch conditions. This is exactly the type ...
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Spring Melts

Life is returning to my tundra. Like old friends, the cooing of the mourning dove greets me, mixed with the peenting of the snipe on ...
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