Sisu (Finnish) Noun: A special strength and determination to continue on in moments of adversity.

Brain Buster: our annual tradition. Jamy, Peggy, and I put our heads together and invite three more women to join our team. We angst over a name, then a costume, and finally get to work. 

Jan Smartini 2024
Frida Matriarch

One year we called ourselves the, “Tequila Mockingbirds” fashioning a black bird hat with orange beak and wore a cardboard tequila bottle around our necks.  Despite the fact none of us are drinkers, the next year, we were the “Smartinis” and glued a plastic martini glass to a headband, winning us second prize in the costume category. This year, we combined Brains and Beauty in our new name, the “Cerebellas.

Brain Buster is an AAUW (American Association of University Women) scholarship fundraiser for our local college. Each team pays for a table, donates prizes, and plays trivia with a “Quizzard” leading the categorized questions. I always leave feeling uplifted, energized and ignorant. It is a clear case that they didn’t pick the questions for which I knew the answers!

So, what does this have to do with my new favorite word, Sisu? 

This year, as I looked around the large meeting hall, filled with 150 or so players, kitchen help, prize room folks and registration crew, I was elated to be part of this community. The college president, retired educators, musicians, artists, tax accountants, psychologists, college students representing their club affiliations, and a few grandkids mingled in the refreshment line and jostled for prizes when called up because they were at a table with someone bilingual or who had come the furthest.

This gathering includes some who have lived here for decades. Those of us in that category know the backstories of our collective history.

We know the people who founded WeCare, an organization much like Planned Parenthood, that rose up after an attack on the aforementioned clinic.

We know the politically active who walk in our July 4th parades, rally others to join protest marches and attend school board meetings to stand up for teacher rights and curriculum.

We know the local Peacemaker group who marched against the Central American, Iraqi and Gulf wars, petitioned for Gay Marriage and now stand vigil as our democracy is being torn.

We know who established our Lakes Country Music Festival, a well-known event with locals opening their homes to worldclass musicians offering opera, the Classics and some down-home venues to stages and streets throughout August.

At Brain Buster, all of these stories are cloaked under face-painting, light-bulb hats, bathrobes (Sleepless in Seattle team), Central Lakes College hoodies, and our “brain” headbands covered in flowers, resulting in a Frida look – so we added a unibrow.

3 Frida Elders
3 Fridas

With our plates of popcorn, brownies, and clementines, we return to our tables, hunker together to whisper our best guesses to Peggy, who scribbles them on our answer sheet. Jamy resumes her role of shouting out wrong answers. We giggle. I doubt some of my answers, give in, only to discover I was right! Then, we remind ourselves that everyone is a winner at this game.

Wise Owl Team
Lowell's Team

The gathering between a surreal moment blurring “real” life and the game. Life is full of trivia, people dressed up in “costumes” debating over “right” answers. Every day we make choices, some thrown at us and others requiring critical thinking. Outside these walls, the answers might be life-changing. Inside this room, answers bring laughter, groans, and camaraderie. Inside, a traveling trophy is awarded, we wipe off our unibrows and reenter the frigid afternoon.

I hope this cellular memory of a community full of Sisu will buoy me through the days to come. How beautiful to be united in a worthy cause – joining our energy, empathy and talents in the highest form of humanity.

Outside, we will need to embrace our Sisu, our strength and determination in these moments of adversity; having grit, bravery, and resilience – refusing to give up

How will this moment in U.S. history be portrayed?  (Billy Collins;  The History Teacher poem)

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What are examples of Sisu you see in your surroundings today?